Our Parish Community

Our St Luke’s community draws parishioners from Wadestown, Wilton, Crofton Downs and beyond. They can be people who worship regularly at St Luke’s or those who choose St Luke’s as their place of worship on special occasions such as Christmas.

We have a mix of parishioners who come from many walks of life and have quite different backgrounds.

Kaumatua lunch 2023 St Luke’s Plant Fair 2023 Littlies enjoying the toy box

St Luke’s News
We email this e-newsletter to our parishioners and friends of St Luke’s every Thursday. This not only has notices about upcoming services, but also lists parish events, links to diocese events and includes notices about community activities.

If you would like to start receiving St Luke’s News, please email our administrator at: office@slw.org.nz

Pastoral care and visits
Offering pastoral care is integral to what we offer our St Luke’s parishioners. We are very happy to make a home visit to you or, if you prefer, to talk on the phone. Please contact our Vicar or administrator here to arrange this.

Movement on Line
A weekly email with news from the Wellington Anglican Diocese, Movement on Line includes pastoral letters from our Bishops and other Diocese information. To read and/or subscribe to it, please click here.

There are also many local groups that are an integral part of this parish that use the Atrium and/or the lower meeting room in the St Luke’s Centre. Users range from music groups, local Brownies, exercise classes and much more. Click here to see the groups that regularly use St Luke’s facilities. All these groups add vibrancy to our parish – we enjoy having them as part of our St Luke’s community.

If you or your group would like to hire any of our excellent spaces, please see: here.