Our Worship

St Luke's

Services upcoming are:

Sunday, 16 February 10.00am – Holy Communion
Wednesday, 6 November at 10.00am – Mid-week Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel
Sunday, 23 February 10.00am – Holy Communion

Other events coming up are:

Thursday, 20 February at 11.00am – Study group via Zoom
Monday, 24 February at 7.30pm – Monday night study group

Worship at St Luke’s takes place in the Anglican tradition using A New Zealand Prayer Book.

We organise our worshipping life around the Church’s calendar and seasons as we follow the Christ story in its entirety. Holy Communion is a vital part of our worship. Parishioners participate in worship in a variety of ways from creating music, leading worship, leading prayers, reading the Scriptures and serving at Holy Communion.

Sunday Holy Communion service
Held every week at 10 am
Our services feature music – both traditional hymns accompanied by the organ – as well as more contemporary songs led by the band.

Our Director of Music, Paul Rosoman, plays the organ every week before and after our Sunday service, as well as accompanying congregational singing.

We have a band that plays every Sunday. Led by Roger Falloon, it consists of acoustic guitar, bass guitar, drums, piano and vocals. If you are interested in joining the band, please email office@slw.org.nz.

On the first Sunday of the month at 8am, we offer a reflective Eucharist using A New Zealand Prayer Book where we draw from the contemplative and meditative traditions.

Wednesday Holy Communion service
On the first, third and fourth Wednesday of the month, we hold a Holy Communion service in our Lady Chapel at 10am; this service takes about 30 minutes. This is an interactive gentle service that follows a liturgical pattern from A New Zealand Prayer Book. We often use the For all the Saints resource to inspire and guide us. Small children are welcome to join their parents, grandparents or caregivers at this service. The Lady Chapel is accessed from the cloister, either from the church or from the St Luke’s Centre in Pitt Street.

On the second Wednesday of the month, the Holy Communion service is held at the Crofton Downs Retirement Village’s activity room at 122 Churchill Drive. It begins with morning tea at 11.15am followed by the service. Both St Luke’s regulars and Crofton Downs residents attend this service. All are welcome.

St Lukes has a special chaplaincy team to provide spiritual, emotional and pastoral care and a listening ear to anyone who needs it at the Crofton Downs Retirement Village. Please email vicar@slw.org.nz if you would like to talk with one of our chaplaincy team.

One of the lovely features of the St Luke’s fellowship is that everyone stays for morning tea following the 10am Sunday and the 10am Wednesday services. Socialising and sharing is an important part of the culture at St Luke’s. There are plenty of friendly faces to make visitors at ease and enjoy this social time.

Sermons: here
Groups: here
Prayer Points: here

Prayer Chain
If you would like to make a prayer request please email: prayer@slw.org.nz